  • EC Rice Entertainment |
    EC Rice Entertainment |

Let music blends into our life like a plate of economy rice does.

EC Rice is a music platform based in Malaysia, compiling original works from the creative local creators. We compose jingles as well as songs, and now we are trying to blend in these wonderful masterpieces into handicrafts so people can bring their favourite pieces back from here.

  • EC Rice Entertainment - 月圆圆


    长大后,一些我们觉得幼稚的仪式感被去掉之后,中秋之夜,看着圆圆月亮挂在天上,才发现单单只有月亮的圆,是怎么也不够完美的。这一天,本该是一个和家人、和爱人团圆、团聚的一天,若不能团圆,那 「月圆的缺陷,便是思念」。

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  • EC Rice Entertainment - Hari-Hari Mau

    Hari-Hari Mau

    以「Hari Hari Mau」(译:每天每天要)为主题,想要给大家在新的一年送上最朴实的祝福。与其希望你「恭喜发财」, 我们想祝福你 Hari Hari Mau 「自在逍遥」。与其希望你「万事如意」, 我们想祝福你 Hari Hari Mau 「眉开眼笑」。与其希望你「财源广进」, 我们想祝福你 Hari Hari Mau「喝足吃饱」。

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  • EC Rice Entertainment - Passenger Seat

    Passenger Seat

    Hop on the scooter, we’re going on an unwritten adventure. Our directionless rides around Tainan will forever be etched in my mind, your strong back obscuring a third of my view. This - is the irresistible charm of your passenger seat.

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  • EC Rice Entertainment - 拾荒快乐



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  • EC Rice Entertainment - 后疫


    若要说疫情的一个好,便是迫使我们回归生活的最根本: 吃饱饱、睡好好。后疫情年代,大概就这两件事最珍贵了吧!还没抵达的未来,反正也控制不了,多虑什么呢? 现在,这一刻,别过得虚无。

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  • EC Rice Entertainment - 夕阳红 - 电视电影《龙妈精神》主题曲

    夕阳红 - 电视电影《龙妈精神》主题曲

    这是一首为本地电视电影《龙妈精神》创作的主题曲。故事取材自真人真事,背景为一群在巴冬这个小村庄为舞龙梦拼搏的阿姨 / 妈妈们。翻了一下新闻发现现实世界里的这支「千年巾帼龙队」今年龙年表演完后也要隐退了。这部电视电影某程度是她们存在过的证明,希望主题曲也有给这份 “龙妈精神” 另一层的诠释和纪念。如有,足矣。

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EC Rice

EC Rice is a short form for "Economy Rice" and it always being known as "zap fan" by the locals. The reason why this platform is being named so is because we strongly believe that: MUSIC, is a mixture of what you love or what make you feel at the moment; MUSIC, is not as high class as a Michelin star dishes, it can be affordable by everyone; MUSIC, can be something that feeds your hunger, be it mentally or economically. Just like how you determine how much your plate of "zap fan" will cost by the end of the day, you can determine how your music contribute to your life or even others. Hold on to your ability and your passion. This is what we believe. The spirit of "Zap Fan".

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