
《Passenger Seat》

FINAL_Passenger Seat Cover (1080 x 1080)

Hop on the scooter, we’re going on an unwritten adventure.

The wind is in my face, my eyes are half lidded, yet I see everything so clearly.
The trees, the street lights, the road all whizzes past me, yet I feel so grounded.

You turn around to tell me something but the wind snatches away your words. I smile anyway, adjusting the helmet that is just a little too big on my head, and lean in closer so I don’t miss what you say next.

Our directionless rides around Tainan will forever be etched in my mind, your strong back obscuring a third of my view. This - is the irresistible charm of your passenger seat.

Noel Ng’s debut single 《Passenger Seat》 is meant to be screamed out at the top of your lungs whilst on the backseat of a scooter bike. Written during her first summer in Taiwan, this acoustic-guitar-lead track sets out to capture the carefree spontaneity of youth as she adventures across the country.

Composer:Noel Ng 吳諾貝
Lyricist:Noel Ng 吳諾貝

Producer:Noel Ng 吳諾貝, Rich 黎志鴻
Arranger:Noel Ng 吳諾貝
Vocal Producer:Yuki 李芸儀
Recording Engineer:Jason Phon
Vocals: Noel Ng 吳諾貝
Acoustic Guitar:Noel Ng 吳諾貝
Lead Guitar:Rock
Bass:Shane Clarence Wong
Background Vocals:Noel Ng 吳諾貝
Drums: Tang Ching Ho
Mixing & Mastering:Sim Shih Heng 沈世興
Recording Studio:Vocast Studios
Studio Pet:Jia Qian 加錢
Special Acknowledgements: Chin Chou Tong, Carson Yip

© Bulu Productions
© EC Rice Entertainment

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